…is more than the podcast from whence it came.
The Indie Brigade™ is a philosophy… a way of thinking… an approach to living in the world as indie creators.
Originally approached about doing a fan podcast by Joe Ridgely, a former EVP at Romero Pictures’ Indie Brigade™. Romero’s interest was focused more on creating something to help other indie artists who all face similar struggles with their process and their work.
The idea quickly gathered some momentum and grew into a network of shows that was done out of and for the love of not only indie art and artists, but also for the sense of community the Indie Brigade™ was nurturing into existence during an otherwise bleak time in world history as the COVID-19 pandemic was just beginning when the Indie Brigade™ started to stretch its legs.
The Indie Brigade™ as many may have come to know it was lightning in a bottle. From Romero’s brainchild, DEF-CON 1, the world’s first online only fan convention that gathered more than 20,000 views during its 16 hour broadcast with less than a week of promotion, to the Indie Brigade™ Mentor Program, the message was beginning to reach far and wide.
Around that time, the mask mandates were being lifted and many in the community were already working together on collaborations that would have never happened without the Indie Brigade™. Romero himself had started back to a rigorous production schedule and the task of working to open a brick and mortar facility for Romero Pictures’ sister non-profit organization, The Veterans’ Compound and had been searching for the next evolution of the Indie Brigade™.
A social media post was the culmination of those efforts and Romero released the Indie Brigade™ into itself tasking those who had come to love and embrace the community and the philosophy with the simple task of carrying the message of positivity and acceptance for all indie creators into the future.
The idea is a simple one.
The Indie Brigade™ is a way of life. It’s everything from creativity to accountability and it, as a philosophy, belongs to the community of indie creators at large.
Romero has said that there are great things in store for the future of Romero Pictures’ Indie Brigade™.
The Indie Brigade™, LLC. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Romero Pictures, LLC.