You know what I love most about independent artists of all kinds?
We don't give a flying fuck, and we don't have to. We keep it the way it should be - real. As fucking real as it can be - art, in any form, is the true heart and soul of the boots on the ground out in society. We are all fabulous freaks in our own way. We all have something to say, and if you're lucky you'll say enough to connect with others that understand enough of it to give you much needed emotional and spiritual backup.
The world is making it increasingly difficult to express your opinion - which, in the era of political correctness is the endgame. Assimilate or enjoy the random hate label you will undoubtedly be given by someone across the internet that has absolutely no personal knowledge of you or your journey. Art is the first victim in a world that is shocked by nothing and offended by everything. That is why I love all people that have the courage, ambition, and perseverance to see a project through. Fuck the system, and absolutely a double-middle-finger fuck to any fucking asshole that tries to fit your self expression into a fucking box.
Just think about this - the mid-1960's saw underground comics explode as a result of the sanitizing that was taking place at EC (and everywhere else). That era gave birth to the genius of Robert Crumb, Art Speigelman, Rick Griffin, and many many others. Combined, those guys drew more genitalia and tits than the entire internet. Sure, there were the Tijuana Bibles of the 30's and 40's, but no one could hold a candle to the talent of the underground comix revolution of that time. They were truly fearless in their satire, and they had the talent and wisdom to present it in a way that others could relate to. They took the unspeakable and spoke about it. Vividly.
These artists, and a lot of authors weren't simply expressing themselves. Some of them were prophetic. Watch 2001: A Space Odyssey and tell me that Arthur C. Clarke and Stanley Kubrick weren't predicting the future of AI and singularity from 50 years away. Same goes for Orwell's '1984' or Huxley's 'Brave New World'. Art is anything but frivolous nonsense documenting the pointless excesses and whimsical depictions of everyday life. It holds so much more importance than that.
Rod Serling, who I consider a genius and arguably one of the best storytellers in human history, started a little thing in 1959 called 'The Twilight Zone' and in that show he put together (many written by himself) he was able to point out every phobia, fear, and anxiety that amounts to the entire human condition and feed it back to his viewers in a way that 60 years later you can still watch and relate to. The show has been remade with dismal results twice with each iteration trying to put a 'current' spin on it. The themes he covered were timeless. That isn't to say I don't appreciate the newer versions - I do. They have a message and I understand them trying to reach each generation.
That's the beauty of art - it is the essence of freedom. Movie studios are run by millionaires that have earned the right to stamp out terrible fucking reboots and cast Mark Wahlberg or Will Smith as a strange off worlder killing aliens or whatever the fuck they want. Let them reboot The Incredible Hulk 57 fucking times in 3 years - they look at the bottom line. Let the artists with wealthy benefactors paint and mass produce shit for hotel lobbies and wall pieces that match some asshole's sectional. Again, they're looking at the bottom line.
Independent artists don't. We don't have to. We look at the things we find important, and we have the freedom to do so. We will never have the approval of the mainstream media.
Thank fucking goodness for that.
Shocked by nothing, offended by everything.